Knight-Path 1.0.D018
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

solver_brute_force Class Reference

#include <brute_force.h>

Inheritance diagram for solver_brute_force:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~solver_brute_force ()
list_t solve (const position &from, const position &to)

Static Public Member Functions

static pointer create (void)

Private Member Functions

 solver_brute_force ()
void ply (const position &from, const position &to, const list_t &progress)
 solver_brute_force (const solver_brute_force &rhs)
solver_brute_forceoperator= (const solver_brute_force &rhs)

Private Attributes

list_t shortest_solution

Detailed Description

The solver_brute_force class is used to represent the processing required to solve the knight path problem, using a brute force recursive algorithm.

The worst case is that there will be 7**6 paths explored (because 6 is the longest path) and the worst case usually occurs. It would be 8**6, except that some simple anti-backtracking is emplyed.

Note that this is generally O(e**n) where n is the length of the path, and would thus get *much* worse as the size of the board increases. This is because the recursive descent is a depth-first search, and will likely discover longer paths before shorter ones.

This still solves the problem in less than a second, on a relatively modern laptop; faster than a human can do it.

Definition at line 41 of file brute_force.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

solver_brute_force::~solver_brute_force ( ) [virtual]

The destructor.

Definition at line 24 of file

solver_brute_force::solver_brute_force ( ) [private]

The default constructor. It is private on purpose, use a create class method instead.

Definition at line 29 of file

solver_brute_force::solver_brute_force ( const solver_brute_force rhs) [private]

The copy constructor. Do not use.

rhsThe right hand side of the initialization.

Member Function Documentation

solver::pointer solver_brute_force::create ( void  ) [static]

The create class method is used to create new dynamically allocated instances of this class.

Definition at line 35 of file

solver_brute_force& solver_brute_force::operator= ( const solver_brute_force rhs) [private]

The assignment operator. Do not use.

rhsThe right hand side of the assignment.
void solver_brute_force::ply ( const position from,
const position to,
const list_t progress 
) [private]

The ply method is used to perform one ply of recursive analysis. The shortest path found is store into the shortest_solution instance variable.

fromThe position to start from
toThe position to finish at.
progressThe cumulative path so far, from earlier ply()s.

Definition at line 63 of file

solver::list_t solver_brute_force::solve ( const position from,
const position to 
) [virtual]

The solve method is used to calculate the shortest path a knight piece must take between two given positions on a chess board. There are often several equally short paths, the first one found will be returned.

fromThe position at the start of the path.
toThe position at the end of the path.
On success, a list of board positions will be returned; it will be a list of squares through which the Knight passes, the list will include the ending position, but will exclude the starting position (unless from == to). On error, (i.e. when no path is possible) an empty list will be returned.
Behaviour is undefined if either position is not valid.

Implements solver.

Definition at line 42 of file

Member Data Documentation

The shortest_solution instance variable is used to remember the shortest path found between the two points given to the solve method. It is set by the ply method when it finds a new solution.

Definition at line 73 of file brute_force.h.

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